Phonics & Spelling
The National Curriculum Aims
The National Curriculum for English aims to ensure that:
At Lower Key Stage 2 - Years 3 and 4:
Pupils’ spelling of common words should be correct, including common exception words and other words that they have learnt (see English Appendix 1). Pupils should spell words as accurately as possible using their phonic knowledge and other knowledge of spelling, such as morphology and etymology.
At Upper Key Stage 2 - Years 5 and 6:
Pupils apply their growing knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes (morphology and etymology), as listed in English Appendix 1, both to read aloud and to understand the meaning of new words that they meet
You can find Appendix 1 from the programmes of study from the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum regarding spelling by clicking here.
Spelling at Bolsover
In school, we teach spellings daily. To ensure we comprehensively cover all aspects of the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum, we have developed our own curriculum. This curriculum is based on research into the most effective methods for children to embed their spelling knowledge. The structure for these sessions can be found below:
Bolsover's Spelling Lesson Structure
Click on the following link to see our school's spelling overviews for each year group and to see how it links in with the Programmes of Study and Appendix 1 of the National Curriculum:
While pupils are in Key Stage 1 (at their previous school), they will be taught discrete phonics lessons. In Year 1 (and 2 if required), pupils will complete the phonics screening check to assess their understanding of the key sounds. Please click the link to find out more information about the Phonics Screen Check.
If a child does not pass their phonics screen check at Key Stage 1, when they start our school in Year 3, they will continue with their phonics learning as part of their daily spelling sessions using Little Wandle. We also carry out our own assessments on the Year 3 pupils to determine if any other pupils require this intervention.
The sounds that our pupils need to know can be found here: Grow the Code Mat.
We use Little Wandle to support phonics learning within school. Please click on the link for more information about Little Wandle and ways in which you can support your child's learning.
Support for parents | Letters and Sounds
Further information about Little Wandle can be found here: Letters and Sounds | A complete Phonics resource to support children
Subject Policies & Guidance
National Curriculum - English - Appendix 1 - Spelling
Useful links and websites for Spellings
Useful links and websites links for Phonics
If you would like to find out more about phonics, visit the phonics section of the Department for Education Website (Click Here) Play and Phonics Bloom – Phonics activities and games. There are some free games that can be played or a subscription can be paid to access the full site: Bloom
If you would like further support, please click on the following link:
Support for parents | Letters and Sounds
Other websites to support practice phonic skills
Letters and Sounds