Bolsover Church of England Junior School

Remote Education


At times, it may not be possible for some or all pupils to attend school. Please see below information on how we ensure we are providing high- quality remote education in these cases.

Remote education will only ever be considered as a last resort where a decision has already been made that attendance at school is not possible, but pupils are able to continue learning.

At Bolsover Church of England Junior School we know that attendance is essential for pupils to get the most out of their school experience, including for their attainment, wellbeing, and wider life chances.

We believe that remote education is not an alternative to attendance in school. We only consider it only as a last resort when the alternative would be no education, and only after it has been established that the pupil is, or will be, absent from school. In such cases, remote education can have the benefit of allowing absent pupils to keep on track with their education and stay connected to their teachers and peers.

When deciding our offer of remote education, we consider the approaches set out in the Department for Education's guidance and work closely with pupils, parents, carers, and any other relevant partners such as the local authority, to remove any barriers to attendance as detailed in the school attendance guidance.

Pupils absent from school and receiving remote education will still be marked as absent in the register and we will continue to record pupil absence in the register in line with the School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024 and attendance guidance, using the most appropriate code.

Department for Education Guidance

The Department for Education Guidance for schools can be found here: Providing remote education: guidance for schools - GOV.UK

Remote Education Policy

Our school's Remote Education Policy, that follows the Department for Education guidance on remote education, can be found here: 

Remote Education Policy