School Admissions
Parents and carers considering applying for a place at our school are warmly encouraged to make an appointment to visit us. Please contact us on 01246 822324 to arrange an appointment.
Bolsover Church of England Junior School is a school whose foundation is solidly built on the teachings of Christ’s Gospel. The ethos in the school is unashamedly Christian in character. We enjoy close links with our parish church of St. Mary and St. Laurence, Bolsover.
Derby Diocesan Multi Academy Trust (DDAT) is the Admissions Authority for the school and has delegated all matters relating to admissions to the Local Academy Committee (Governing Body) of Bolsover Church of England Junior School. It is the duty of the Local Academy Committee to draw up and implement both the Admission Policy and Over-subscription Criteria. Any comments regarding the admission arrangements can be sent to the Chief Executive Officer (Derby Diocesan Academy Trust), Deepdale Business Park, Ashford Road, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1GT. Telephone: 0333 3554353. Email:
The admission policy has been adopted by the Local Academy Committee and applies to all applications for the school year 2025-26.
In all cases, admissions will be made via the Local Authority’s Centralised Admission System: Apply for a school place - Derbyshire County Council
All decisions relating to admission applications will be taken by the Governing Body of the school.
Consultation on Bolsover CE Junior School Admission Arrangements for September 2026
Following the publication of the School Admissions Code 2021, the Local Academy Committee of Bolsover Church of England Junior School are currently consulting on the school admissions policy for September 2026. The admissions policy has been adapted to ensure we are fully compliant with the new School Admissions Code (2021). There have been changes to the school’s oversubscription criteria and the following has been removed at the request of the Derby Diocese Board of Education:
· Children whose parents request a place on religious grounds***.
The consultation period commenced on 2nd October until 24th November 2023. During this time, individuals and organisations are invited to express their views and any concerns about the proposed admissions policy for Bolsover CE Junior School.
In addition, the policy has also been updated and refers to the Admissions Appeal Code 2022 rather than the Admissions Appeal Code 2012, as per previous policies.
The proposed Admissions Policy for the 2025/26 academic year is available to download above. If you require a hard copy, please contact the school office here.
In accordance with statutory DfE guidance, the consultation will run for at least six weeks and, as an interested party at Bolsover CE Junior School, we are keen to hear your views; therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any concerns regarding the matter.
All responses to the consultation should be made in writing and submitted before 12 noon on Friday 24th November 2023 to:
If you wish to submit any correspondence by hand or by post to the school, please mark the correspondence:
FAO DDAT Consultation Team,
C/O Bolsover CE Junior School,
Horsehead Lane,
S44 6XH.
Please note that all responses need to include your school’s name and should outline your personal details, including your name, address and relationship to the school.
At the end of the consultation period, the governing body will meet to consider responses. The outcome of the consultation will be published on the Bolsover CE Junior School website as soon as possible following a decision being reached by the Local Governing Body. Hard copies of the final report will be made available on request to all respondents of the consultation.
If you wish to further discuss this matter, or anything mentioned, please contact:
bolsover juniors admissions policy 2025 26.pdf
If you require a hard copy, please contact the school office here.
In accordance with statutory DfE guidance, the consultation will run for at least six weeks and, as an interested party at Bolsover CE Junior School, we are keen to hear your views; therefore, we invite you to participate in the consultation if you have any concerns regarding the matter.
Admissions Policies
For more information about admissions in 2024-25:
Admissions Policy 2024-25
For more information about admissions in 2025-26:
For more information about admissions in 2026-27: